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Sadaqa Train

The Ummah at Heart

Interview: Logistics Team

By September 15, 2016

What does the Logistics team do on a typical Sadaqa Train trip?

BismiLlaah....Alhamdulillaah. Allaahumma swalli alaa muhammad wa sallim. Alhamdulillah, our logistics team leader, Brother Faisal Ahmed is a graduate of Accra Polytechnic with a strong interest in community service. May Allah grant him a deeniously successful career, till Jannah.

Editorial Board:
Tell us something about the Sadaqa Train logistics department.

Logistics Head: 
Alhamdulillaah. Its a team of dedicated members of the Train, who put together the materials needed for every charity trip we embark upon.

Editorial Board:
Maa shaa Allah, now tell us, What goes into your preparations during a Sadaqa Train trip?

Logistics Head:
Shukran yaa akh; We arrange and package the donations people send to us. We come together to do this at our base, a masjid in Accra New Town. Sometimes we iron and perfume the clothing to be sent, to put them in the best shape because we value our needy guests; for they are Allah's guests too. Maa shaa Allah

We also get to the market, do price comparisons. And then buy some necessaries or things the town folks may have requested for during our reconnaissance trip.

Editorial Board:
Any interesting reflections from the past??

Logistics Head: 
Its so wonderful, to meet young people who wanna donate even with the little they have of their savings. Alhamdulillaah.

Some amazing adults also never cease to amaze us with their consistent support!
One generous Mr Muhammad, always provides a bus and sometimes also buys fuel for our trips. Allaahu akbar. It's such a wonderful experience meeting all our donors. May Allah bless and enrich them all till janna.


Sadaqa Train has the following departments:


"Give charity without delay, for it stands in the way of calamity."  AtTirmizhi

Please donate whatever you can of clothes, food, stationery, cash, etc. Whether you are close to:

Accra (0244 131272),
Kumasi (026 228 8555) or
Tamale (024 631 6069)

Donate via Mobile Money: 

MTN: 0540 102233
Airtel: 0261 609181


May Allah bless you all till Jannah

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